Cokesbury Church

HOME - Cokesbury United Methodist Church

Church at 9919 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922

One church with 3 locations. Join us today!

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  (4 reviews)

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Working hours of
Cokesbury Church

Closed now.
Tomorrow: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Sunday 08:45 am - 12:30 pm
Monday 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Tuesday 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Wednesday 08:00 am - 08:00 pm
Thursday 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Friday 08:00 am - 12:30 pm
Saturday 05:30 pm - 06:30 pm

Vacancy Cokesbury Church (jobs):

Coming soon


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Last reviews about Cokesbury Church
in Knoxville, TN

Please add your review. Your comments help to get feedback and an honest opinion about the Cokesbury Church.
Thanks to the reviews, other people are able to learn of mistakes or read of the warmth and delight of your gratitude. Please keep your comments--whether praise or criticism--kind and appropriate. This is not the place to ask questions, or post contact information. Inappropriate language, off-topic or duplicate comments, names of individuals criticised, phone numbers, etc will be X'd out or removed, according to the moderator's notice and discretion. Thank you for your comments and participation!

  • My family started attending Cokesbury in the early 90s, and this church has helped shape who I am today in every way imaginable. Cokesbury is not a perfect church, but I would be very skeptical of a church that claimed perfection. The weekend teaching is biblically based, applicable to life, challenging and uplifting, all at the same time. The small group experience makes this large church feel like family, and the heart of the staff and congregation for the hurting in Knoxville is evident in their many outreach ministries. I don't hesitate to invite my friends or recommend Cokesbury to anyone looking for a church home or just a place to spend a few hours on a weekend.

    Added May 29, 2017 by Ashley Cross
  • My family and I feel so blessed to get to be a part of the worship experience at Cokesbury. God is doing amazing work through this church. I always feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when I am there. NO matter what I am going through, I feel an immediate peace and understanding of God's amazing power and how it is working in our lives when we are there.

    Added May 10, 2017 by Laura Holtsclaw
  • Wonderful church that loves all kinds of people, teaching the love of Jesus!

    Added October 29, 2016 by Penney McNutt
  • The people are warm, friendly, and very willing to assist visitors.

    Added October 16, 2016 by Terry McBride
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Cokesbury Church website info

Website address:

Website title: HOME - Cokesbury United Methodist Church

Website description: One church with 3 locations. Join us today!