Faith Promise Church - Pellissippi Campus
Home - Faith Promise Church
Church at 10740 Faith Promise Lane, Knoxville, TN 37931

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Address | 10740 Faith Promise Lane Knoxville TN 37931 Get directions |
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Faith Promise Church - Pellissippi Campus rating
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5 reviews)
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Last reviews about Faith Promise Church - Pellissippi Campus
in Knoxville, TN
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- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truly an amazing Church. Come as you are and be ready to be moved. Great children's ministry also.
Added March 22, 2017 by Beth Blagojevic - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been going for years! We love it. Great children's ministry.
Added January 28, 2017 by Rachel Ketelle - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I used to not really at all go to church. But then someone invited me to go to Faith promise and I starting loving it the minute I stepped in. They welcome you in and they make you feel like your at home. (Which I think I am)! and then I invited my parents to go to church and they did and they loved it. And then I told many other people about how this church really gets into the word and really cares about you. They don't care if your white,black,blue,purple or whatever you are! And a lot of people really started coming to church because I invited them, and god pulled me from hard times, and so he can do that to you. And he's doing it to you and I right this second.
Added December 13, 2016 by Kelly Swigert - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a church where they openly say,
"FP is a place where it's okay NOT to be okay!"
Also, the pastor said that he LOVES & PRAYS DAILY for the congregation!
I had never heard ANY church or organization say that, ever!
We enjoyed the contemporary worship & the friendliness of the people!Added September 22, 2016 by Jan Heidelmeier - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this church so much! It has seriously changed my life! I have the best small group leader and small group! Pastor Zac, Jeff, and Chris are the best preachers I have ever heard! I love love love it all! Faith Promise makes church fun unlike some other churches where you just sit in pews and listen to your pastor talk in a bored voice... Thanks for everything Faith Promise!
Added August 30, 2016 by KYLIE VLAHAKIS
Faith Promise Church - Pellissippi Campus website info
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Website title: Home - Faith Promise Church
Website description: Home